All Courses

The courses will help to gain a better understanding of the Cross-Cultural complexities, and cultivate your awareness of your own and others cultural identities. Identify and highlight notable variations in communication styles and cultural values. 

  • Foreign Direct Investment Project –  Examine the four main types of Foreign Direct Investment.
  • Look at resource, market and efficiency seeking. Strategic asset seeking.
  • Selecting a location.
  • Developing a foreign investment strategy.
  • Evaluate the investment characteristics of the location. Analyse your competitors, develop a questionnaire, develop a dialogue.
  • location visit. Planning the site visit and visit Activities. 
  • Foreign Direct Investment Law and Corporate Forms 
  • China Introduced a new Foreign Investment Law (FIL) which came into force on 1st January 2020
  • National treatment of foreign investment (subject to the Negative List).
  • Protection of foreign investment Property Rights (PR) and trade secrets.
  • Equal treatment of domestic and foreign companies in government approval procedures.
  • Typical foreign investment structures in China.
  • Joint Ventures or WFOE.
  • M&A Transactions Variable Interest Entity.
  • Key Government Agencies for FDI.
  • Trends, Timing, Acquisition of public companies, disclosure thresholds.
  •  Inward Investment in the UK –   The UK  has been, the number one destination for inward investment in Europe and remains a top investment destination globally.
  • World  Bank Ranking, Strong business environment, UK foreign direct investment, what to consider when you invest in the United Kingdom.
  • Government measure to motivate or restrict Foreign Direct Investment. 
  • Procedures to foreign investment, investment aid.
  • Freeports investment opportunities.
  • Carrying on business in the UK.
  • Registration requirements, Companies Act 2006, Repatriation of profits and financing. 
  • Manufacturing Agreements –  China has becomes the world’s leading manufacturing base. Made in China has become a high-profile issue for consumers and retailers.
  • Standard form agreements.
  • The major terms of an agreement.
  • Carefully select and monitor Chinese manufacturing suppliers.
  • Six basic things to protect yourself when manufacturing in China.
  • Overseas manufacturing contracts.
  • The value of manufacturing agreements.
  • Types of manufacturing agreements.
  • Contact manufacture.
  • ODM, product development.
  • IP protection.
  • Moulds and tooling (Tooling). 
  • Market Research in China –  B2C distribution in China, Hypermarkets and supermarkets, department stores, shopping malls, street stores and markets, E-commerce.
  • B2C distribution in China.
  • B2B distribution in China.
  • E-commerce.
  • The market, some differences.
  • Budget, your research programme.
  • Data sources.
  • Industrial clusters, desk research, new methods of selling, social media and e-commerce platforms, Alibaba group, Wechat,, Xiaohongshu, primary research.
  • Protecting your IPR in China and Manufacturing Agreements – Protecting your IPR is essential in any market but particularly so in China.  Patents and trade marks, trade mark protection, The China trade mark office (CTMO).
  • Confidentiality, Non-use, non-disclosure, non-circumvention, NNN agreement.
  • Manufacturing agreements.
  • Standard form agreements.
  • The major terms of an agreement. 
  • The Marketing Planning Process Market Research in China – The annual planning system.
  • The benefits of a planning system.
  • The contents of a marketing plan objectives, objectives should meet certain criteria, the marketing strategy.
  • A Basic Guide to Exporting –  Export strategy, export advise, market research.
  • Methods of exporting and channels of distribution.
  • Preparing products for export, service export.
  • Making contacts.
  • Business travel abroad.
  • Selling overseas, pricing, quotations and terms.
  • Export regulations.
  • Customs benefits and tax incentives, documentation, shipping and logistics. 
  • International Business Management 
  • International Business Management (case Studies).
  • International Trade Trade Management 1
  • International Trade Management (case Studies). 
  • Identification and selection of Agent and Distributors.
  • Cross-cultural communication and negotiation